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Animal Transport
I have been a professional in the horse industry for over 25 years, holding my Thoroughbred trainers license for nearly 10 years until deciding I wanted a different life. I have training as a vet tech, working beside many excellent vets. My own goat herd is clean and tested and I value biosecurity. I only transport healthy animals and will refuse transport if an animal is ill . I currently transport horses, cows, and goats (does in milk, bucks, and kids-bottle kids as well as weaned). My routes go to all parts of the country, but I tend to stay on the eastern part with Kansas and Missouri/Oklahoma being as far west as a normal route goes. If you need a further west trip, please reach out. Horses will be transported with hay and water 24/7, and can be transported in a box stall or a straight stall. Cameras will be on them at all times.
Goats will be kept separated by herd or owner, with biosecurity of utmost concern. Hay and water is supplied at all times, in clean stalls.
Horses are usually transported in box stalls, with hay and water hung 24/7. I carry high quality alfalfa on board and high quality grass. I have temperature sensors, fans for ventilation, and cameras to monitor the safety of the animals. Breaks are taken if needed, for the safety of driver and animal.
Goats are transported individually in their own stalls, bedded with hay and water 24/7. Bottle babies can be fed on their schedule from either whole milk (red top), or milk sent by the breeder if space allows. (preference is whole milk) I try my best to stay close to estimated time, but delays are unavoidable (traffic, feeding animals, stops for gas, rest breaks, etc cannot always be factored in ahead of time).
Goat transport recommendations: I highly recommend asking the breeder/seller of the goat to make sure they are up to date on coccidia prevention if age appropriate, fecal is negative, and immune system is strong. Compromised goats should not be transported. Young goats with a high coccidia load should be treated and transport should be postponed.
I do specialize in farm moves. I myself dreaded moving over the years, so I understand the stress involved. A quote would involve hiring me and my trailer to arrive and pack up your animals and whatever supplies I can fit with the animals and moving them to their new location.